Fermented Garlic

Fermented Garlic

Fermented black garlic powder is produced by fermenting garlic (Allium sativum L.) under controlled conditions at a specific temperature and relative humidity without using additives. Fermented garlic cloves are black and emit an odor specific to garlic; however, they possess remarkable characteristics of sweet taste similar to that of prunes, and no unpleasant garlic odor remains on the breath after consumption. Moreover, the fermenting process greatly improves the antioxidant properties of traditional garlic.

During the thermal process, some chemical compounds from fresh garlic are converted into Amadori/Heyns compounds, which are key intermediate compounds of Maillard reaction. The enhanced biological activity of black garlic when compared with fresh garlic lies in the conversion of phytochemical compounds during the fermentation process.

Features & Benefits
  • Fermented
  • Standardized to polyphenol content (as tannic acid)
  • Antioxidant properties: The antioxidant potency of fermented black garlic powder is increased greatly when compared with its component material, raw garlic.
  • Dietary Supplements
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