Suntheanine® L-Theanine

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High Purity L-Theanine
Patented, Clinically Researched, GRAS

Calming & Sleep, Energy & Focus, Cognitive Health, Sports & Performance Nutrition, Children’s Health, Women’s Health, Animal Health, Antioxidant

L-theanine occurs naturally in tea; it is the key component of tea that imparts a sense of relaxation. For centuries, it’s been revered for its ability to boost brain function and promote a relaxed, yet alert state.

Suntheanine® is a high-purity, L-isomer form of the amino acid theanine (>98% pure L-Theanine). Suntheanine® is not an extract of green tea but rather is produced via a patented fermentation process that mimics the natural process in green tea leaves resulting in the L-isomer form of L-Theanine. It’s clean, reliable and clinically proven (the subject of 200+ scientific and clinical studies). Suntheanine® is protected by over 40 U.S. and international patents for its various physiological benefits and L-isomer-specific production processes and has long been trusted by consumers all over the world.

Suntheanine® has been recognized as one of the most effective ingredients for stress, relaxation and improved quality of sleep. Suntheanine® has also been studied for its benefits on immune health, managing metabolic syndrome, ADHD and has been found to pair well with CBD/Cannabidiol. Its effects can be felt in as little as 30 – 60 minutes.

When taken during the day, Suntheanine® improves alertness, focus and concentration (without drowsiness). If taken before bedtime, Suntheanine® does not act as a typical sleep aid (which often make people feel groggy and tired in the morning), but rather promotes a more restful quality sleep so you can feel refreshed and rejuvenated in the morning.

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Suntheanine® is part of an exclusive portfolio of proprietary ingredients from NutriScience Innovations, LLC and is a registered trademark of Taiyo International, Inc.

Features & Benefits
  • Suntheanine® has been used in numerous clinical trials as the specific form of L-theanine studied.
  • All structure/function claims are based on Suntheanine® studies.
  • Suntheanine® improves alertness, focus and concentration (without drowsiness).
  • Dietary Supplements
  • Cosmeceuticals & Cosmetics
  • Functional Foods & Beverages
  • Animal Health
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Mechanism of Action

The science of Suntheanine® L-theanine has been well-studied and well-established. L-theanine is a derivative of glutamic acid, a significant and important neurotransmitter found in the brain. L-theanine is fat-soluble and is readily absorbed in the intestinal brush-border membrane and crosses the blood-brain barrier via the leucine-preferential transport system. L-theanine absorption results in increased dopamine and GABA levels in the brain, and an increase in Alpha brain waves and decrease in Beta brain waves. This promotes an alert state of relaxation without drowsiness.

Clinical Studies

Suntheanine® has been the subject of over 200 clinical and scientific studies and has been studied extensively in safety and toxicity studies. In most of these studies, the Suntheanine® form of L‐theanine was used, and not generic alternatives. In human clinical trials, Suntheanine® has been shown to promote an alert state of relaxation without drowsiness, as indicated by an increase in Alpha brain waves, and a decrease in Beta brain waves. These brain effects promote the use of Suntheanine® for:

  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • Energy
  • Cognition & Memory
  • Relaxation & Calming
  • PMS
  • Immune Health
  • ADHD

Suntheanine® has also been extensively studied in animals and is used for similar health benefits in animals as in humans (treating behavior problems in cats and dogs).

Look for products clearly marked with the Suntheanine® brand name listed on the label when shopping online, at your favorite supplement retailers, grocery and natural food stores, and also where you shop for your pet supplements. Suntheanine® is an ideal supplement for the whole family!


Suntheanine® has  been  shown  in  extensive  toxicology  studies  (acute,  sub‐chronic,  chronic,  carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, etc.) to be safe for human consumption. Unlike other stress reducing supplements,  Suntheanine®  does  not  cause  drowsiness. Suntheanine®  is  also safe  for  consumption  by  companion animals — dogs and cats, equines, and farm animals. Suntheanine® has been incorporated into beverages, foods and supplements since 1994 with minimal adverse reactions or contraindications.

Formulating with Suntheanine®

With a flexible range of serving sizes, you can incorporate Suntheanine® into your products as the primary ingredient in a stand-alone product, or as a supporting component of your unique formula paired with other synergistic supplements. Suntheanine® is a powder which can be readily formulated into capsules, tablets, softgels, functional foods and beverages, liquids, creams, gummies, lozenges, and other convenient and novel delivery forms.

For more formulation ideas, Suntheanine® pairs well with:

  • NutriGP® Magnesium for calming, in both adult and children’s products
  • Sunfiber®, a clinically researched prebiotic soluble dietary fiber, supporting gut‐brain health
  • In combination with other sleep and relaxation ingredients such as melatonin, 5‐HTP, and valerian root
  • Capsules, Softgels, Gummies, Stickpacks, RTDs
  • Sports & Performance Nutrition Formulas
  • Other nootropics for enhanced memory and cognition
  • Children’s formulas for focus and learning
  • Vitamin B12 and/or caffeine for focused energy and formulas for gamers (ex. InnovaTea® High Purity Natural Caffeine from Tea)
  • Hemp/CBDs for calming, relaxation, and anxiety reduction. Suntheanine® provides the clinical basis for the claims
  • Creams & Topicals
  • Animal health formulas for stress and anxiety reduction in companion animals

Suntheanine® is FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) with a Letter of No Objection from the U.S. FDA in 2007. Suntheanine® is approved for use by a number of food authorities including in Canada, Korea and Japan.

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